About SIG
South Indian Gathering (SIG) was formed in 1995 by a group of people from South India who had settled in Norway. The purpose was to retain South Indian culture and traditions in the community.
We are, today, a group of about 50 families and a few bachelors meeting between 4 times a year. The meetings are held in an informal atmosphere. The agenda is mostly socialising with sumptuous South Indian pot-luck dinner pepped up with cultural performances by our talented kids.
It is with pride that we celebrate our 15th anniversary in year 2010. We have come from humble beginnings with 5 families meeting in members' apartments to what we are today. The credit goes to all our members with special mention of the founders and the organizing committees of the last 15 years. All our members have put in great effort and exhibited unstinted enthusiasm in participating and running this gathering without any interruption. We are proud to state that most of our meetings have had near 100% attendance.
We take this opportunity to thank one and all of our members including the children and other friends who have made this happen. We solicit your continued enthusiasm and help for the future of SIG. Having come all this way, let us say - Silver Jubilee is just round the corner.
Wish you all a continued wonderful time at SIG.